How to make a music player inside an app featuring: Bora Bora App – Tahiti and her islands

26 July, 2012 admin 2

Wondering how to implement a music player inside an app? The interesting part of this short tutorial is the fact that our player also reacts and syncs when the user presses the volume control of his device. That is, we take the current “hardware volume” of his device and enable the user to manipulate the same volume inside the app, too, compatible for iPhone and iPad. Sounds easy, right? Here’s a screenshot showing what we’re going to […]

iOSappLove* gabe = [[iOSappLove alloc] init];

26 July, 2012 admin 0

Welcome to iOSAppLove! We’ll post here tutorials about how to code/design/develop iOS Apps. With our years of experience in developing Apps for iPhone and iPad, we decided to start this amazing blog to share (and gain!) some knowledge with the beloved iOS dev community 🙂 Feel free to write us and request tutorials about anything concerning iOS development! All the best [gabe release]; gabe = nil;