
Apple Push Notification Services Tutorial: Part 3/3

2 January, 2013 admin 33

Step 3: Build up your database to store user information Now we need a MySQL database to store all user information so that we know where to send the Push Notifications! Build up database to receive user information -> Create a database and a user for that database. -> Update the apns.php file and sendMessage.php file with the database information (username, pwd, database name, host, etc.) We need three tables: “apns_devices”, “apns_device_history” and “apns_messages”. We will actually […]


Apple Push Notification Services Tutorial: Part 2/3

2 January, 2013 admin 7

Step 2: Do some stuff on your terminal We now have to generate some files that are needed to communicate with Apple’s pushnotification servers: Generate cert & key files used by your php script to comm. with APNS Remember the “aps_production.cer” file we downloaded? Now we need that one to make all the files we need for our php script to be able to create some nice messages and send them to all the devices that installed […]


Apple Push Notification Services Tutorial: Part 1/3

28 October, 2012 admin 4

Step 1: Prepare the App to receive Push Notifications In this tutorial I will explain all steps how to make an app for production that can receive Push Notifications. Basically there are 3 steps that must be explained: Prepare the app to receive Push Notifications Login Developer Account & modify/enable app ID to receive PNs Use your new and PN enabled provisioning profile Modify AppDelegate to handle PNs Do some sorcery on your terminal Generate cert & […]